Translation Services in Sydney
Translationz is the top foreign language translation services across Sydney and NSW. We have a vast list of languages that we service. We also have specialist translators for industries and professions. Contact us to see why we are one of the most trusted translation companies serving Sydney.
Immigration document translation continues to be in demand. Australia continues to be one of the most sought after destinations to migrate. Sydney, being Australia's oldest and most populous city, is the target destination for most immigrants. In the 2011 Census around 1.4 million residents are, in fact, born overseas. Sydney is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world because of this. This means that businesses need excellent and reliable interpreters and translators to help develop client relations. Effective communication is an essential element of building trust with clients. Individuals also need a lot of documents to be translated and may need interpreter services when having meetings, whether be it for legal, business, or medical purposes. Our team of translators and interpreters provide professional service you can trust. Translationz is the company to go to if you need document translations and on-site or phone interpreters with our Sydney translation and interpreter services.
Translation Services Sydney
Our team of translators in Sydney can translate your documents in a foreign language to English and vice versa. We translate official documents, contracts, medical documents, letters, receipts, websites, instruction manuals, invoices, technical documents, medical records and other types of documents you might need. We also offer certified translation for personal documents such as birth certificates, diplomas or driver's licenses for all your needs. You can send us a copy of your document so we can review it and provide you with a free quote. Our Sydney translator services are extremely competitive and we offer quick turnaround times upon request. You can talk with us at (02) 9119 2200 and we'll be more than happy to assist you with your needs!
Document Translation
Documents need to be translated for different purposes. We will discuss your needs and advise on the suitability of different translation services. We provide our document translation across Sydney and Australia. Our team of translators promise a quick turnaround time with very competitive pricing. We are an Australian owned Pty Ltd company with appropriate insurance.
The languages that are available in Sydney and across Australia include translations to and from English.
Table below gives an idea of the breadth of languages we support.
Professional Translation Services Sydney | (02) 9119 2200 | Most languages supported with NAATI certified translations |
Aceh (alt name Acehnese) | Gupapuyngu | Motu |
Acholi | Hakka (Interpreter Only) | Multani |
Adapted Sign Language | Hamun | Murrinh-Patha (Interpreter Only) |
Afrikaans | Harari | Nepali |
Albanian | Hassaniyya | Nepali [Recognition] |
Alyawarra (Interpreter Only) | Hazaragi (Interpreter Only) | Ngaanyatjarra (Interpreter Only) |
American Sign Language (alt name ASL) | Hazaragi [Recognition] | Norwegian |
Amharic | Hebrew | Nuer |
Ancient Greek | Hindi | Nuer [Recognition] |
Anindilyakwa (Interpreter Only) | Hindustani | Nunggubuyu |
Anmatyerr (alt name Anmatyerre) (Interpreter Only) | Hiri-Motu | Nyangumarta (Interpreter Only) |
Arabic | Hmong | Nyikina |
Armenian | Hokkien | Oromo |
Armenian [Recognition] | Hungarian | Oromo [Recognition] |
Assyrian | Ibo | Pali |
Assyrian [Recognition] | Icelandic | Pashto |
Auslan (Interpreter Only) | Ilocano | Persian |
Azari | Ilonggo | Pidgin, Nigerian |
Azerbaijani | Indonesian | Pintupi-Luritja (Interpreter Only) |
Bangla | Italian | Pitjantjatjara (Interpreter Only) |
Bari | Iwaidja | Polish |
Bassa (Liberian) | Japanese | Portuguese |
Bielorussian | Jaru | Portuguese/Spanish |
Bosnian | Javanese | Pukapukan |
British Sign Languaage (alt name BSL) | Jingpho (alt name Kachin) | Pulaar |
Bulgarian | Juba Arabic [Recognition) | Punjabi |
Bunuba | Kakwa | Rohingya (Interpreter Only) |
Burarra (Interpreter Only) | Kala | Rohingya [Recognition] |
Burmese | Kala Lagaw Ya (alt name Kala Kawaw Ya) (Interpreter Only) | Romanian |
Cantonese (Interpreter Only) | Kannada [Recognition] | Russian |
Catalan | Karen | Russian/Spanish |
Cebuano | Karen (Recognition) | Samoan |
Chaldean | Karen, Pwo Eastern | Sanskrit |
Chaldean (Recognition) | Karen, S&#;gaw | Serbian |
Chin | Kariyarra | Shan |
Chin (Falam) | Kashmiri | Shanghainese |
Chin (Hakha) | Kaytej | Shilluk |
Chin (Hakha) [Recognition] | Kaytetye | Sindhi |
Chin (Khumi) | Kazakh | Sinhalese |
Chin (Mara) | Khmer | Slovak |
Chin (Matu) | Kija | Slovak [Recognition] |
Chin (Mizo) (alt name Mizo) | Kinyarwanda ( Rwanda) | Slovene |
Chin (Tedim) | Kiribati | Somali |
Chin (Zotung) | Kirundi ( Rundi,Urund) | Spanish |
Chinese (Translator Only) | Kisi, Southern (alt name Kissi), Liberia | Sundanese |
Chinese, Hakka [Recognition] | Kiswahili (See Swahili) | Swahili ( Kiswahili) |
Chinese, Min Nan | Kongo, San Salvador (alt name Kikongo) | Swahili ( Kiswahili) [Recognition] |
Chiu-Chownese | Konkani | Swatow |
Cook Island Maori | Korean | Swedish |
Croatian | Krio | Syriac |
Czech | Kriol (Interpreter Only) | Taiwanese |
Danish | Kriol (Fitzroy Valley) (Interpreter Only) | Tajiki |
Dari | Kriol (Gurindji) (Interpreter Only) | Tamil |
Deaf Interpreter | Kriol (Kimberley) (Interpreter Only) | Tatar |
Deaf Oral | Kriol (Roper River) (Interpreter Only) | Telugu |
Dinka | Kukatja (Interpreter Only) | Teo Chiew |
Dinka [Recognition] | Kunwinjku | Tetum (Interpreter Only) |
Djambarrpuyngu (Interpreter Only) | Kurdish (Kurmanji) | Tetum [Recognition] |
Djambarrpuyngu | Kurdish (Kurmanji) [Recognition] | Thai |
Djapu | Kurdish (Sorani) | Themne (alt name Temne) |
Dutch | Kurdish (Sorani) [Recognition] | Tibetan |
Dutch/German | Kurdish, Southern (Feyli) | Tigre |
Dyirbal | Kurdish, Southern (Feyli) [Recognition] | Tigrinya |
Eastern Aranda (Arrernte) (Interpreter Only) | Lao | Timorese Hakka |
Eastern Arrernte (Interpreter Only) | Latin | Tiwi |
Esperanto | Latvian | T&#;oishan |
Estonian | Lebanese (refer to Arabic) | Tongan |
Ethic Questions (Translator Only) | Liberian English | Torres Strait Creole (alt name Yumplatok) (Interpreter Only) |
Ewe | Lingala | Turkish |
Fiji Hindi (alt name Fijian Hindustani) | Lithuanian | Turkmen |
Fijian | Liyagalawumirr | Twi |
Filipino | Luganda | Uighur, Uighurese (see Uyghur) |
Finnish | Luritja (Interpreter Only) | Ukrainian |
Flemish | Macedonian | Ukrainian [Recognition] |
French | Malay | Urdu |
French/German | Malayalam | Uyghur (alt name Uighur, Uighurese) |
French/Russian | Maltese | Uzbek |
French/Spanish | Maltese [Recognition] | Vietnamese |
Fulfulde (alt name Fulani) | Mandarin (Interpreter Only - Translator pre ) | Visayan |
Fur | Mandingo | Walmajarri (Interpreter Only) |
Fuzhou | Manjiljarra | Wangkatha |
Gaelic | Marathi | Warlpiri (Interpreter Only) |
Gajerrong | Martu Wangka (Interpreter Only) | Warlpiri [Recognition] |
Ganda | Mauritian | Warumungu (Interpreter Only) |
Garawa | Melanesian Pidgin English | Western Aranda (Arrernte) |
Gbe, Waci (alt name Wachi) | Mende | Western Arrarnta (Interpreter Only) |
Geez | Meriam, Miriam-Mir | Western Arrernte (Interpreter Only) |
Gen | Mina | Wik-Mungkan (Interpreter Only) |
Georgian | Miriuwung (Interpreter Only) | Wolof |
German | Modern Tiwi (Interpreter Only) | Written English |
German/Italian | Mon [Recognition] | Yankunytjatjara (Interpreter Only) |
German/Spanish | Mongolian | Yanyuwa |
Gikuyu ( Kikuyu) | Yiddish | |
Greek | Yindjibarndi (Interpreter Only) | |
Gujarati | Yoruba | |
Gumatj (Interpreter Only) | Zande | |
Gunwinkgu | Zo (alt name Zomi) |
Certified Translation
For clients that require certified document translations we offer certified translation services as well. We translate birth certificates, driver's licenses or contracts or anything that needs certification that the translation was done by a certified translator.
Interpreter Services Sydney
Many individuals also require Sydney foreign language interpreter services. Individuals usually need medical and legal interpreting services. We also provide court interpreter services. Aside from on-site interpreting, we offer phone interpreting services when the location is remote or if the client is usually busy and doesn't have enough time for an on-site interpreter.
Onsite Interpreter Sydney
Business meetings, and events like weddings, conferences and conventions require on-site interpreting services. You can also request for interpreters with a specialization depending on what type of event you have. Check our interpreter availability by giving us a call so we can reserve their schedule for you.
Sydney Court Interpreter
Court interpreters are sometimes needed for legal proceedings like depositions. Not all interpreters are certified to work in court as courts require certified court interpreters only. We at Translationz provide the best court interpreter services around Sydney. Give us a call at (02) 9119 2200 to schedule a court interpreter.
Phone Interpreter
We provide phone interpreters whenever clients need an interpreter on demand, when their location is remote, or when the client is busy and does not have time to have someone scheduled to go to their location. Our phone interpreting rates are competitive and we provide only the best interpreters possible. Give us a call at (02) 9119 2200 to schedule a phone interpreter.
Foreign Language Translator and Interpreter
We have worked with for a long time with businesses, government, and individuals across Sydney and Australia. We can provide you with the best interpreter and translation service you can find in Sydney and surrounding areas, and we provide service for most major foreign languages.
Interpreter Equipment Rental
For big events there are times when organizers need more than one interpreter specially for international seminars. We can provide equipment for those clients that need professional interpreter equipment for their events such as booths, transmitters and receivers. Booths block noise so the transmitters only pick up what the interpreters say, and receivers for different languages can be handed out to your audience so different language speakers can attend your event at the same time. We'll help you choose what type of equipment will fit your event the best.